Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another bed down the driveway

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Continuing down the drive past the parking pad I built another small rock wall. I haven't figure out what to do with this one yet but probably something with water.

Pay no attention to the tire tracks up it. Those will be fixed.

Between the pad and the wall I made a sloping path to the front yard for access to anything I have to haul in or out. This will be grass as well.

I made a backdrop or border with the extra junipers that I got from Lite's drug store.

I haven't planted much in here yet. In front of the junipers I have a row of daffodils mixed with lily of the valley. In front of that I have creeping phlox that should hang over the wall when they get full.

At the point I put in a few sage (Meadow & Russian) along with a Catmint.

Further down the drive The wall continues. On top of that I have iris's and cat mint with Lillie's mixed in. Behind this is a sloping open area that I haven't figured out what to do with. I was thinking about just throwing a truckload of seeds of native Michigan wildflowers. Gotta think about this one.

I think my iris's have the borer bug that I read about. They were doing well and still bloom but the leaves are turning yellow and brown. Need to read more and find out how to get rid of them if it is that.

Here is a shot of the backside. You can see whats left of a monster pile of wood chips I have been digging away at. I would like to line the drive on both sides with lilacs or something that grows big & thick. I'm going to try to make a natural wall for the stinking deer. In the woods where you won't be able to see it I plan on fencing it 8 ft high around the perimeter of the 5 acres. I just don't want to see fence. The more thick natural tree barriers the better.

On the other side, same thing lilacs.

I threw the extra forsythias that my friend gave me in a row with the intention of making a long hedge. If I knew the deer were going to do this to them I would have stashed them closer to the house as a reserve for when my other ones got chowed.

Back up by the house I cut a road to access the back yard. It is pretty overgrown right now and you can't see it but a rock wall starts with the level of the main drive then slopes to waist high by the garage. That sand pile you see in the back is the start of a cold frame. I dug out for two 4x8 frames and bought the heat coils to heat them in the winter. future post for that.

The back yard as it sits today. Not going to think about this for a while.