Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The parking pad

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The parking pad was also started & never finished four years ago. Again a lot of sand, soil & wood chips were brought in to raise it to it's current level. Looking at it from the house, I integrated a little planting bed with the now buried rock wall that lines the first bed built in the prior post.

If you know Pentwater or remember Lites drug store, the low lying junipers use to be along the store. The Village workers were replacing them & threw these out at the burn pile.
It is hard to believe that they yanked them out with a tractor & snatch em strap, threw them in a pile in the hot summer sun and they laid there for 12 days before I threw them in a truck & let them lay dry & exposed in my yard for another 8 days before putting them in the ground. They lived.... Well they line the west side of the parking pad now. The extras that I had were used to outline a backdrop for a water fountain area that you will see at a later post.

Not much to say about a parking pad. I'm thinking two split rail corner post with the dropped rails on each end to define the corners at the front of the pad & a couple of stepping stones coming down in the middle/front to the lawn. On each side of the stepping stones I would like to plant those real tall arborvitae's (skyscrapers???) or some type of six foot bush to hide the cars. Behind that on the topside I will plant some type of bumper high something along the top of the two remaining edges. I made a knee high rock wall around the pad while back filling with organic mixed soil along the perimeter in case I wanted to grow along the top edge of the pad.
I had the front edge (towards the future lawn) lined with holly bushes. They looked great.
You would think holly would be like razorblades going down but the deer stripped these down to stubs. I wish they would choke on something...
As usual 1 foot of wood chips on top to keep the weeds down until I get this and my drive asphalted. Again, I need to sort my rock pile and get the correct size for the top rim of the pad.
It works out perfect as when you back up you have a second driveway to back into that I am cutting along the north side of the house to access the back yard. That will go back an acre in the woods to a pond & pole building that I need to build.