Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A shot of the front yard today

Click to enlarge.

Well, now you know where I spend my weekends and any time I take off from work.
I haven't touched any of my automobile restorations since I started this yard but the winters are long up here so I guess I have something to do this winter and the next twenty winters......

I have a good start on this front yard project and have other projects in mind like a big pergola covered in some type of plants way up front opening into the open field by the road and outline the front perimeter & driveway with lilacs or something to use as a wall. Fence off the acreage to stop those damn deer. Put in a few more beds and water features. Asphalt the drive & park pad and hydro seed all open areas that you see in the pics for a lawn.

Not too much to do..... Then I guess I should think about landscaping the backyard with a pond in the distance and a major sized garage behind all that to do my automobile restorations. I haven't touched a car since this yard project started. Oh, and I have to finish setting up my glass shop. I have been doing stained, etched & beveled glass work since the late 70's.

I could ramble for hours on what I have to do and need to get done.
I'll probably die before half of the list gets completed...... but I got a good start on the front yard.

Now you know where I'm at in this point in time.