Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Making the second bed

All photos can be enlarged by clicking on them.

This one is along the sidewalk in front of the house and adjoins the first bed made. I excavated two long rectangles 30 x 4 x 2 ft on both sides of the sidewalk and filled them with rich soil, The bed facing the yard was built up in the center to make it a mound sloping on both sides. (I don't know why, I just thought it would look better than a flat bed). I put edge trim along the cement to stop the rocks from falling then I laid down fabric, covered that with rock, threw some random large rocks in there and started planting.

I had to throw my pet rock in there as it had a little history and has been with me for 32 years.
I was backpacking in 77 at Lake of the clouds in the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. If any of you have been there you know how far & steep it is down to the bottom.

Pay no attention to that meat head in the photo. Hey it was 1977.

I saw this rock and thought it was neat. I hauled that S.o.b. on my back for two days and all the way back up to the top. There is really nothing special about it as it is just a vein of quartz and iron but I hauled it and have stubbed my toe on it lying around the house for 32 years. I'm putting it somewhere damn it. Sometimes I wonder why I saved some stuff throughout the many moves and years.

On each end of the bed I put an emerald arborvitae globe. These were beautiful at one time. I am nursing those now as I speak. Friggen deer ate those to twigs. They may have to be replaced. Did I tell you I hate deer?

On the outer side facing the lawn I wanted it to have the taller bushier plants. I put a row of perennial seed from a box in a 8 inch strip the length of the bed to see if anything came up. It all came up and now I have to thin them. I wish I knew which plants were which from seedlings so I could selectively thin. If you recognise any please feel free to post a comment.

The second row I put a mixture of different Sage (meadow,russian) along with a mixture of Corepsis (golden shower,early sunrise, Sunfire) I then mixed in firewitch & delphinium.

Meadow Sage/Blue Queen

Coreopsis/Early Sunrise.

Cheddar Pink/Firewitch.


For the center row I staggered Hosta (plantain lily) & blanket flower. The blanket flowers got a fungus and will be ripped out. I really like those things they keep blooming the more you deadhead.

Plantain Lily

The sick blanket flowers.

I haven't figured out what to put in the last row closest to the sidewalk. I'm thinking something real low lying. I did put in a row of pink & white alyssum but found out they are annuals. I'll let them die off. I don't want to plant anything that I have to plant again. I know this sounds stupid but I'm trying to make it as much as a maintenance free yard as possible. (yeah right).

On the other side of the sidewalk I had four boxwood stuck in the sand from my previous attempt at landscaping. On each end was a potentilla bush. Those things are nasty & scrubby. They never look good even at their best. The deer had destroyed this row. I hate deer.

I had to think of what to do with this section. I didn't come up with anything so I threw more soil, fabric and rocks. I wung the potentilla's in the burn pile and put in two Golden Privet on each end of the boxwoods.
Well that's the second bed. I do have a small square at the start of the sidewalk up to the house but I have not really thought about that one. I want to finish these other beds completely before I start bouncing around again and end up with nothing finished.
I was thinking something with running water though as it is right under a bedroom window.
I will yank that deer eaten arborvitae & start fresh.